Coloring Pages
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Beta Readers for Dino Discovery 102: Telling the Truth
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Why is Dino Josh so great for today's families?
NO more “mom guilt.” It’s been so hard to find entertainment and education that align with our beliefs, and it is so easy to find media that doesn’t. Although we know we don’t agree, we allow our children to consume it because, many times, it is the only thing available. Thankfully, Christians everywhere are stepping up and providing resources, research, and information to fill these needs.
- Does your child love dinosaurs?
- Does your child know more than you do about them?
- Does your child know what God says about dinosaurs in Scripture?
Here’s your chance to share with them what Scripture actually teaches about these “terrible” creatures! Our coloring pages include:
- Dinosaurs
- Other prehistoric animals
- Scripture verses
- Scientific facts